Raspberry PI Weather
Just updated my ongoing home weather station (weather.theweissguy.com) from running on an old XP laptop (about 20 watts) to a new tiny Raspberry PI 3 (~ 2 watts). Neat little computer, also relearning Linux & Python.
Just updated my ongoing home weather station (weather.theweissguy.com) from running on an old XP laptop (about 20 watts) to a new tiny Raspberry PI 3 (~ 2 watts). Neat little computer, also relearning Linux & Python.
A birthday gift from my son – an Anova sous-vide circulator. Since cooking is one of my great pleasures this presented an exciting new opportunity. So far successful with eggs, chicken breast. pork roast, steak, salmon. Next up medium-rare chuck roast (24+ hrs)! We’ll see how it works out.
Source: theWeissGuy | all the news that fits . . .
Submitted by admin on Sat, 09/21/2013 – 15:53 Twelve days in Russia – St. Petersburg to Moscow via riverboat. Finally back to “normal” after our return 10 days ago. Great bike ride yesterday, first in weeks – weather stays beautiful. Well almost normal – Russia still invades my dreams. It was a fascinating trip. The […]